Saturday, November 7, 2009

Is the Large Hadron Collider Un-Natural?

The world's most complex machine ever built, the powerful particle accelerator buried under French and Swiss soil has failed yet again.

Considering that the LHC has been built in order to detect a so-called god particle, it will be interesting to see whether or not it stands up to the principle laid out by Richard Buckminster Fuller:

Whatever nature permits is natural.
If nature does not permit it, it cannot and does not occur.

Is this perhaps the reason why the 6 billion dollar machine doesn't work!? Is it synchronicity that (this time) it was a bird, dropping a piece of bread that disturbed the super-conducting magnetic mandala?

Scientifically speaking, the unknown sub-atomic particle one is searching for is known as the Higgs boson, named after British physicist Peter Higgs - himself a staunch atheist and not at all happy with the more popular name.

Backround Info: Popular Science
Image: National Geographic
Richard Buckminster Fuller. Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1975; item 1056.02)

UPDATE: The Beast is Working Again (21/11/2009)

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